An angry employee does what we only dream of doing at our day jobs. Holding in much of his frustration, an office worker barely can hide the......
Skip delves into the mysteries of an old locker. His sage supervisor recounts chilling tales that underscore the importance of making the ri......
由宝莱坞当今最登对的“银幕情侣”赫里尼克罗斯汉和艾西瓦娅雷领衔主演。故事是说一个坐轮椅的瘫痪者(罗斯汉 饰),要求护士(ASH 饰)让他安乐死…......
恶人的道路快播剧情介绍 罗比是一个具有致命超能力的少年,盯上了当地警探的女儿。神父亨利被派来调查罗比,但越是深入调查,罗比的真面目越是扑朔迷......
him before he dire he died when Joe was eleven. He finds it difficult to adjust, and to find a compatible girl friend.